Отделениe: Administration

Lenok Mykola
Head of Logistics Department
The head of the logistics department, provides a comfortable transfer for patients, clients, partners and employees of KAMINSKYI CLINIC.
The head of the logistics department, provides a comfortable transfer for patients, clients, partners and employees of KAMINSKYI CLINIC.

Volkova Valeriia
SMM specialist
Creation of digital content, photo and video materials for social media, advertising platforms for the KAMINSKYI CLINIC.

Creation of digital content, photo and video materials for social media, advertising platforms for the KAMINSKYI CLINIC.

Shpak Svitlana
Edgar Kaminskyi’s personal assistant in all administrative and organizational matters.

Oversees the functioning of clinic’s external and internal mechanisms.
She is responsible for communication with clients, staff recruitment and makes sure that every client feels comfortable during their stay at KAMINSKYI CLINIC.
Director since 2009.
Member of KAMINSKYI family since 2013.

Semenchuk Olga
Senior receptionist
Receptionist services are available 24/7 and include providing information support, directing clients from the very first day they step into the clinic and until they finish their treatment procedures.

Our senior receptionist is responsible for scheduling client appointments and making sure our clients feel comfortable during their stay in KAMINSKYI CLINIC.
Among other responsibilities our senior receptionist is also responsible for handling pre-op paperwork at «Harmoniia» clinic.
She escorts patients to their room, operating room and ensures adequate client-clinic communication on all treatment stages (pre-op, post-op and rehabilitation).
Receptionist since 2016.
Member of KAMINSKYI family since 2019.

Zahrebelna Dariia
Provides 24/7 communication with clients, directs clients remotely and when they are in clinic. Provides information support, handles client queries and complaints. Monitors quality of appointment scheduling.

Has fluent English, manages international relationships, provides support and directs foreign clients.
Receptionist since 2014.
Member of KAMINSKYI family since 2020.